Waste No More



Guidelines for responsible sourcing​​

Guidelines for responsible sourcing

Compliance with Laws
All laws and regulations are complied with in the countries in which the supplier operates. All other applicable international laws and regulations are complied with including those relating to international trade (such as those relating to sanctions, export controls and reporting obligations), data protection and anti- trust/competition laws.

There is a prohibition on all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion or embezzlement and there are adequate procedures in place to prevent bribery in all commercial dealings undertaken by all partners and suppliers.

Conflicts of Interest
All and any conflict of interest in any business dealings between any partners (of which the WNM is aware) must be declared transparently. Any ownership or beneficial interest in a partner’s or supplier’s business by a government official, representative of a political party or a WNM program worker need to be declared prior to any business relationship being entered into.

Gifts and Hospitality
Any business entertaining or hospitality as part of the WNM program is kept reasonable in nature, entirely for the purpose of maintaining good business relations and not intended to influence program related decisions in anyway. Gift giving should occur sparingly and always be legitimate and aligned with company policies.

Confidential and Competitor Information
All competitor information is obtained and used legitimately and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. No attempt is made to divulge to the WNM program any information about its competitors. Likewise, the WNM program’s confidential information must not be shared with any third party unless expressly permitted by the program management team

Financial Records, Money Laundering and Insider Trading
All business and commercial dealings are transparently performed and accurately recorded in the supplier’s books and records. There is no actual or attempted participation in money laundering. No confidential information in the supplier’s possession regarding the WNM program is used to either engage in or support insider trading.

Safeguarding Information and Property
The WNM program’s confidential information, know-how and intellectual property is respected and safeguarded. All information provided by WNM that is not in the public domain is deemed confidential and it is only used for its intended and designated purpose. All and any personal information about individuals, such as WNM’s partners or employees, is handled with full respect for the protection of their privacy and for all relevant privacy laws and regulations.

Product Quality and Responsible Innovation
Products and services are delivered to meet the specifications and quality and safety criteria specified in the relevant contract documents and are safe for their intended use. Research and development are conducted responsibly and based on good clinical practice and generally accepted scientific, technological and ethical principles.

Reporting Concerns and Non-retaliation
All workers (whether directly employed or not) are provided with means by which to raise their concerns about any of these requirements and processes are in place to ensure that workers who raise concerns and speak up in good faith are protected from retaliation.
All workers, both permanent and casual, are provided with employment documents that are freely agreed and which respect their legal and contractual rights.
All workers are treated with respect and dignity. No worker is subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment, abuse or other form of intimidation. There is no discrimination in employment, including hiring, compensation, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement.

Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, age, role, gender, gender identity, colour, religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, dependants, disability, social class, union membership or political views is prevented. In particular, attention is paid to the rights of workers most vulnerable to discrimination.
Under no circumstances will a supplier use forced labour, whether in the form of compulsory or trafficked labour, indentured labour, bonded labour or other forms. Mental and physical coercion, slavery and human trafficking are prohibited
Under no circumstances will a supplier employ individuals under the age of 15 or under the local legal minimum age for work or mandatory schooling, whichever is higher. When young workers are employed they must not do work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous or harmful or interferes with their schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school.
All workers are provided with a total compensation package that includes wages, overtime pay, benefits and paid leave which meets or exceeds the legal minimum standards or appropriate prevailing industry standards, whichever is higher, and compensation terms established by legally binding collective bargaining agreements are implemented and adhered to.
Workers are not required to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country where the workers are employed. All overtime work by workers is on a voluntary basis.
The rights of workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining are recognised and respected. Workers are not intimidated or harassed in the exercise of their right to join or refrain from joining any organisation.
A healthy and safe workplace is provided to prevent accidents and injury arising out of, linked with, or occurring in the course of work or as a result of the employer’s operations.
All workers are provided with transparent, fair and confidential procedures that result in swift, unbiased and fair resolution of difficulties which may arise as part of their working relationship.
The rights and title to property and land of the individual, indigenous people and local communities are respected. All negotiations with regard to their property or land, including the use of and transfers of it, adhere to the principles of free, prior and informed consent, contract transparency and disclosure
Operations, sourcing, manufacture, distribution of products and the supply of services are conducted with the aim of protecting and preserving the environment.


Securing and Coordinating Waste Stream Sources (bulk generators, local aggregators & waste pickers)

Overview of waste stream

Dry waste MRF funnels waste from three primary sources – bulk generators, local aggregators and waste pickers.

Types of waste collected include:

Dry waste (glass, paper, cardboard)


Hard plastic

Soft plastic

Mix platic

Once cleaned and sorted, the bailed raw materials are sent for further processing either to be recycled, made into new products, or sustainably disposed off.

Identifying & mapping waste sources

*Ground research for identifying waste sources and mapping out waste collectors includes ground surveying, geotagging buildings and roads, finding NGOs or community organisations (e.g. rotary clubs). This step can also be outsourced. Once comprehensive data is available and the waste sources are mapped, approaching waste collectors and waste collection can begin.

Securing waste stream sources

  • Prepare list of collection points based on own research or data from ULB
  • Obtain letter of approval from ULB to collect from bulk generator
  • Obtain secondary approval from bulk generator management teams
  • Identify waste collection location, degree of segregation e.g. location and types of bins
  • Identify sourcing schedule and collection timings
  • Identify IEC activities e.g. waste sorting best practices with housekeeping staff / building management
  • Issue receipts for waste collected, allows traceability and monthly reporting to ULB

Most large bulk generators have existing contracts with NGOs and other waste collectors. Navigate these through discussions with ULB and bulk generator management teams.

Waste from bulk generators can often be contaminated and needs to be sorted and cleaned.

Explore potential of traceability through an app – take a photo of waste collection with geotagging

  • Approach local aggregators (kabbadiwallahs) with MCGM approval
  • Outline current rates charged for raw materials
  • Build relationship with local aggregator to either obtain raw materials discarded by them
  • Purchase cleaned and sorted waste from local aggregator at fair price

Cost of doing business an get expensive if continuously buying from local aggregator. Therefore, you should get a long-term focus or commitment from bulk generators

  • Identify waste pickers in the area through on the ground surveys, discussions with NGOs, and based on existing implementation partner network
  • Offer key incentives to waste pickers to join the collection centre. Outside of fair payment for waste, this includes medical check-ups, insurance, regular wage, and personal protection equipment (PPE)
  • Provide formalisation for waste pickers through ULB approved ID cards

Direct collection from bulk generators

Purchase at fair price from local aggregators

Purchase at fair price from waste pickers


Collection Infrastructure
and System – Insights from the field

Collection infrastructure and system

  • Standard Collection: From standard Urban Local Body (ULB) vehicles (normal waste compactors for MSW)
  • MRF own collection: From own vehicles (leased/rented/owned) for dry waste collection from the area
  • Aggregator collection: Collection of dry waste from local aggregators in the area
  • Ragpicker collection: Collection from local ragpickers in the area
  • Agreement between ULB and MRF for collection of dry waste from designated ULB vehicles
  • Agreement between the housing societies, bulk generators and the MRF for collection of dry waste from centre owned / leased vehicles
  • Approval to MRF operators to undertake local dry waste collection in the area from Solid Waste Management department of ULB
  • Commercial Agreement between aggregators and ragpickers to buy back the collected dry waste at a fair price
  • Based on the locations and vehicle availability a routing plan for the daily/weekly collection
  • List of all the local aggregators and ragpickers working in the community
  • Dedicated infrastructure at households for source segregation – separate bins for dry, wet and hazardous waste
  • Right infrastructure for segregated waste storage at the source – need to have dedicated bins for storage of dry, wet and reject waste
  • Dedicated vehicles for different types of waste collection or the collection trucks should have separate compartments for different types of waste
  • Dedicated and trained team for dry waste collection – ensuring that dry and wet waste are collected separately and not mixed
  • Masks and PPE for the waste collectors
  • Separate push carts with tools to collect the waste directly from the source
  • Tracking sheet/database records for the daily/weekly collection from the identified locations
  • Portable weighing scale within vehicle for measurement
  • Approved collection challans/receipts (which need to handover to locations for traceability)

Chapter Checklist

Chapter 6 - Raising awareness

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